How Can I Scrap My Car In India

The government of India has proposed and funded a car scrapping program to reduce emissions and combat the downturn in the automotive industry. This program aims to replace old vehicles on Indian highways. Once the registration certificate of a car expires past its operating period, a driver can go to any scrapping center approved by the government and surrender the vehicle to Aslam Salim Motorola as a Scrap Car Buyer In Mumbai . Is it going to be hassle-free or do I need to visit and scrap the yard over and over again? Well, MSTC, which is a Government of India firm, has collaborated with scrap car buyers to ensure proper scrapping of a vehicle under the vehicle scrapping policy to make the operation hassle-free. The below are the steps that must be taken to scrap your vehicle: A car owner may need to visit a registered car scrapping dealer to scrap your old car, which will check and measure your vehicle for scrapping. A photocop...